-Every mans fantasy 
What hot blooded male wouldn’t like to be in the middle of two gorgeous women? Its a well known fact then men dream of threesome experiences, with a 4hand tantric massage enjoy the intoxicating combination of excitement and sensual pleasure. To hold the devoted attention of two stunning ladies is an encounter every man should try at least once.
-Because 4 are better the 2...
This is certainly the case with tantric massage, with four wonderful hands caressing you all over this feels like you are completely enveloped in sensation. The two ladies will mirror each others movements working on different body parts, It can feel like far more then a four hand massage if performed correctly. With a regular 2 hand massage you can predict the pattern of the masseuse, with two sets of hands the brain can’t keep track of the movement which leads to a much deeper state of relaxation. 
-All the fun without the fuss
unlike typical threesomes, a 4hand massage gives all the thrills and excitement without the awkwardness. No need to instigate any connection yourself, no uncomfortable transitions, simply take your time and enjoy your Ménage à trois fantasy the way it should be done ;-)
How to go about booking your 4 hand massage 
Selecting the right masseuses is of paramount importance to ensure your duo massage goes perfectly.
First things first, always choose ladies that have previously worked together. This is a guarantee that they have enjoyed previous appointments together and are comfortable in each others company.
Tantric style is also a good point to take into consideration. As I’m sure some of you have experienced, most ladies have added their own personal touches to their massage. This is what makes massage experiences so unique to each lady. Choosing two girls who have a similar style that complement each other is very important to ensure the girls are in tandem with their technique and pace of movement. 
Our friendly reception team know the ladies personally and are on hand to help to create a sensational duo booking. 
Call now to book in your sexy duo of fun and experience a mind blowing adventure that you will never forget.