In my years as a tantric practitioner I have found that the tantric experience with the most allure is undoubtedly the full body orgasm. You only have to hear the name to understand why! In fact, it was this exact tantalising promise that attracted to tantra at the very beginning of my journey. Little did I know at the time that these seemingly base erotic desires would lead me on a path of fulfilment not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. 


I was young but had quickly grown bored of typical Western sexuality with it’s many unfulfilling encounters and unnecessary taboos. I knew there must be more to be experienced through connecting spirits in passion than what I was experiencing. With what others deemed a naïve faith in intimacy and human connection I embarked upon my research. As I learned more about sexuality and it’s potential, I discovered tantric teachings. One of the fundamentals of tantric massage is to redistribute the sex energy from the sexual organs across the whole body, through the mind. This results are phenomenal, a whole body burst of pleasure that stays with you for not minutes but hours and is known as the full body orgasm. Upon reading this I knew that my search was over, but my journey of sexual discovery had just begun.


I soon learned that my body’s physical yearnings and the curiosity of my mind were interlinked. The ways in which I was unfulfilled by our limited understanding of sex in the West were limitations on my whole existence. Tantra began to unleash the full potential of my body’s erotic energies and better yet, through study and practice I learned to master the power of my own sexuality and that of others, bringing next level pleasure and fulfilment into other people’s lives. Before long I was enlightened that the oh-so-seductive but seemingly elusive and difficult to achieve full body orgasm was actually something every human being could potentially experience! In fact, with tantric knowledge, the full body orgasm was an achievable foundation on which to build deeper, even more pleasurable erotic experiences. 


Next week I will be blogging about how a professional tantric masseuse brings you to the full body orgasm, as well as it’s many benefits mental, physical and spiritual. We’ll then look more in to ways you can work with your masseuse to intensify your experience and explore your body’s potential for pleasure like never before. 


Until next week, 

Tantric Rose xx